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Showing posts from May, 2021

Bring May Flowers

We are five months into 2021 (nearly six!), so it is time for a midyear check in. Have I kept the resolutions I made in January? Have I created new goals? Writing and Sketching I’m lumping every resolution involving writing and drawing into one category because I’d end up repeating myself otherwise. Here’s a quick summary of the lofty goals I had coming into 2021. Drawing – get back to pre-pandemic levels of content (this includes High Castle projects). Writing – finish writing Alice or Metropolis I counted the number of drawings I posted on Instagram since January, and it is a tiny 24. Am I surprised by this? Nope. There is something to be said about the pandemic phenomenon popularly dubbed languishing . In my case, it was born out of the sameness of every day. It feels like a blur stretched across the vast expanse of space and time. Creativity thrives off of invigoration and the small, random happenstances that made pre-pandemic days stand out from each other.  Am I fighting this? O

SGS: 6 Must Watch Sci-Fi Shows

It’s time for another fun filled Seriously Geeky Sunday ! I know I’ve been sporadic lately–you can blame Pandemic Brain for that one. I’m ever so slowly getting myself back up to pre-covid creativity levels. I painted a mural in my bathroom last weekend, and let me just say that it was a much needed reprieve from everything. And now for today’s theme, which is near and dear to my heart: Science Fiction. I’ve been into the genre for as long as I can remember. I’ll be focusing on six shows that I don’t normally spotlight on here, including my current obsession.  Let’s dive in! 23rd  – Six on a Sunday: Science Fiction Starting new this year one week a month will just have a theme and no questions. It’s in the spirit of memes that are no longer active and to give us all a relaxing week once a month. The theme can be answered anyway you wish and there is no right or wrong answer. If the subject was ‘science fiction movies’ you could discuss your favourites or the upcoming movies you’re look

Doors and Corners

The weather may be dismal and chilly, but Seriously Geeky Sundays is hot off the press! I just want to say that I had a lot of fun with this one, and a certain song keeps playing in my head with its accompanying maniacal laughter. You’ll find it right here! 9th  – Moving On Did you know that May is National Moving month (or that such a thing existed?), nope, neither did I. Moving is a typical plot prompt used in fandoms to start a story, inject new characters or just shake things up a little when they get stale. So this week we’re asking you to think about what happens when characters move in or away in your fandoms. What was the most recent fandom that started with someone new moving to town? WandaVision – The show was so much fun, and the premise was such a refreshing, unique take on telling a story within the MCU.  I loved seeing the different costumes, sets, and camera filters (black and white…etc) throughout the episodes. Tell us about your favourite character who left home to fi

Seriously Geeky Sundays are Back!

Hello everyone! I am still alive. My brain just happened to take a trip across the multiverse of writer’s and artist’s block. It’s been years since I’ve had it this bad, and let me just say that I did not miss it. At all. I’m fighting it and fighting hard!  Onto today’s Seriously Geeky Sundays topic: comic books:  I was an avid fan of all things manga, so most of my answers are going to be about manga or graphic novels rather than your traditional comic book series.  2nd – Comic Books Normally the 1st of May is Free Comic Book Day, however, due to the pandemic , the organisers have chosen to move it to August with the hope of being able to celebrate it when stores are open again. I considered changing this week’s theme and then chose not to; it might not be Free Comic Book Day but we can still celebrate our love of comics   Let’s start at the beginning; what was your first comic book? Sailor Moon – I can’t remember the exact one, but when I was a junior in high school, one of my fr