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Showing posts from November, 2020

Around the World in 8 Sundays - The Americas

Its our third trip here at Seriously Geeky Sundays! Today’s trip takes us to my world, the Americas! Around the World in 8 Sundays – North America Week three of our Around the World in 8 Sundays (a multi-week theme taking us around the world) takes us to North America as the United States celebrates Thanksgiving this week. Who is your favourite Northern American character? You know who I’m going to say. I’ll give you one guess…. What is your favourite film set in North America? This is a tough one. There are so many I love and enjoy. It is hard to pick just one. I even looked at our collection of DvDs to try to make up my mind which one I like best! I’ll name a few favorites: Apollo 13 , Our Tarantino collection, Thor , and The Avengers . North American history features frequently in pop culture, which part do you feel is overdone and which do you wish was covered more? I have a similar answer to @winstolf’ s. And can I just say thank you, Winstolf, for the well thought out answer mi

Gratitude and Content Creators

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving for those of us celebrating it in the U.S! Today’s rendition of Seriously Geeky Sundays , I mean Seriously Geeky Thanksgiving will focus on gratitude. 2020 is the year to be thankful for the little things (I’m always grateful, but this year more so than most).  22nd November – Small Screen Views The small screen, the telly, the idiot box; the television has had many names and gone through many changes since 1926. Today we’re focusing on our small screen habits. Do you watch much television? As I sit here mentally going through my daily routine, I realized I don’t watch much TV day-to-day. With that being said, if I am painting or drawing, I’ll put something from YouTube on in the background. Yesterday’s YouTube adventure was NASA TV . The days before that were Everyday Astronaut ’s live stream of Chang’e 5 Lunar launch (China) and NASASpaceflight ‘s stream of SpaceX’s Starship static test fire (hmm…I’m starting to think there is a theme here). Let’

A Very Stylish Geeky Sunday

Costumes, costumes, and more costumes! I am here for this. Before COVID, I was an avid purveyor of all things cosplay and even cosplayed incognito, so today’s prompt is something I have been looking forward to.  15th November – Adorn Last month we were talking about visual locations with Embellish, and this month Adorn brings us to costumes! Characters wear an assortment of outfits throughout fandoms and this week we’re talking all about costumes, fashion and more. If you could steal any character’s wardrobe* which would it be? I was just having this conversation with @ChelahFan on Twitter! Ever since I first watched The Man in the High Castle way back in 2015, I was mesmerized with Helen’s Smith’s beautiful wardrobe (it was just so classy that I wanted to look like her). I’ve been slowly phasing my wardrobe into a mixture of vintage (reproduction dresses), modern, and pinup.  Dressing like her is a lot of work. You’ve got the retro dresses which require some clever ways to keep war

A Very Geeky Wednesday

It’s time for another Seriously Geeky Sunday Wednesday! These past two weeks have been crazy to say the least. I don’t want to derail this into politics, but I did my civic duty last week. The line was the longest I’d ever seen it. It took about an hour and a half, but it was well worth it! A huge thank you to Heather from Seriously Geeky Sundays for the steady stream of interactive prompts! 8th November – What’s in a name? This week I’ve got a unique one for you all because everyone’s questions are going to be slightly different. What’s in a name? Well, what’s in your name is actually the question. This week each question is based on each individual writer. Thinking of your name/alias, what is the first female character you think of that has the same name/or a name that starts with the same initial? Do you like them? Since my real name and most of my Internet handles start with ‘M’, M it is! Queen Meave from The Boys Photo courtesy of Prime video Need I say more? She is badass. There

High Castle: FYC Promotional Booklet Review

Consider an  Amazon Original: The Man in the High Castle , Season 1 and Season 2 Let me start off by saying that I was thrilled to get these. Ever since glimpses if the promo for Season 1 made their way onto various corners of the Internet, I’ve wanted it.  What are these things? You might find yourself asking. They’re promotional advertisements sent to award voters (in this case, The Emmy’s) in hopes of garnering their vote.  When I saw the Season 1 & 2 set for a reasonable price, I couldn’t pass them up. Now let’s dive right into the good stuff! Season 1 Comprised of quotes from the crew overlaid onto behind the scenes photos and collages, it gives the reader a small peek into the creative process behind the world building.  I think one of my favorite snapshots was the picture of a costume designer’s notes about Juliana’s blue dress. Each of the characters in THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE struggles with how to do the right thing in his or her own way. It’s difficult to hold onto hu