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Showing posts from August, 2020

Cosplay Everyday!

It’s time for another Seriously Geeky Sunday brought to you by the creative Heather at! It’s cosplay everyday here in Club High Castle Cosplay is very near and dear to my heart. You should see the left half of my closet! Hanging there is an assortment of medieval dresses, Star Trek uniforms, and other odes to my favorite fandoms that I’ve collected over the years. The oldest thing I have in there is probably from the 90s.  23rd August – Cosplay It’s international Cosplay Day this weekend and we’re joining in the celebrations by chatting about all things cosplay! Have you cosplayed before? If yes, which character was your favourite? If no, which character would you like to cosplay as? You have no idea, Grasshopper 😉 You just opened an entire world about me. I was the QUEEN of cosplay in the early 2000s, and I loved every last second of it. As for my favorite character, that one is a tough one because every time I put on a costume, I’m having the time of my life, ha ha!

Club High Castle Has a Laugh

It’s time for another Seriously Geeky Sunday brought to you by the creative Heather at! We all need laughter, especially now.  16th August – Funny Guys It’s National Tell a Joke Day today which means we’re asking you to tell us all about what makes you laugh. What makes you laugh? I honestly don’t know. Laughter is one of those ‘in the moment’ things for me. Until it happens, I have no idea what will trigger a giant LOL.  What TV show makes you laugh? It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Space Force The Office Parks and Rec Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia What is your favourite comedy movie? I haven’t seen any comedy movies since Tropic Thunder, so I’m not sure. Nothing beats the comedies of the late 90s and early 2000s, so I’ll pick a few that gave me laughs over the years. Super Troopers Tropic Thunder Dumb and Dumber What scene always makes you crack up? So…I’m quickly learning that I have not kept up with this genre ha ha! Can I say I don’t know again? Because I don’

SGS: Animation

It’s time for another Seriously Geeky Sunday brought to you by the creative Heather at! I’m a tad late for this one, but better late than never! I decided to have some fun with it and use character generators to insert myself into my answers. I included the links (an ad blocker is recommended…Wut? Did I just sneeze? 😉 ). Without further ado, ANIMATION! 9th August – Animation There are so many different types of animation out there now and each of us have our own favourites and memories associated to them. This week we’re picking your brain about the animated world. What is your favourite Disney movie? This takes me back! Wayyyyy back! The Lion King – My best friend and I were obsessed with it! We’d spend hours playing our own version of it in the cul de sac–good times and great memories! What is your favourite non-Disney movie? Anastasia – I loved the songs, especially Once Upon a December. Full confession: teenage me sec

High Castle, You are Winners in my Book!

Hello everyone, This post is long overdue. To say that I am disappointed about the Emmy nominations announcement on July 28th is an understatement. I’m going to sound like a bitter old bat of a fan, but I sincerely feel like everyone involved with Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle deserved a well earned nomination. Sometimes I wonder if High Castle is the red-headed stepchild in the eyes of the powers that be–Take the opinion of a die-hard High Castle fan with a grain of salt, for I am heavily biased in this matter 😉 It’s such an original concept; nothing like it has ever been done before. So much creativity and hard work was put into creating such a unique world. It felt real at times.  I could go on, but I’ll stop myself; there’s no point in dragging this out. 2020 has enough negativity as it is.  To the cast, crew, and everyone who was a part of Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle: you are all winners in my book.

SGS: Awesome Supporting Characters

It’s time for another Seriously Geeky Sunday brought to you by the creative Heather at! This week was so much fun (don’t I say that about every week?). There is a lot of High Castle in this one!  2nd August – Supporting Roles Up until now we’ve talked about all sorts of characters and this week we’re giving some love to the supporting roles in fandoms, the minor characters, the NPCs and the sidekicks. The smaller parts that are necessary for the whole thing to work. Who is your favourite sidekick? This is a tough one. As I close my eyes and make a mental note of all my favorite superheroes, I find that most of the time, their sidekicks are regulated to annoying catch phrases or stupidity. After much thought (and sifting through a bunch irritating characters), I remembered The Witcher! Jaskier , the traveling bard who follows Geralt around. He is hilarious without annoying me (trust me when I say, that in itself, is no small feat!). And need I say more: Who is your favou

Unpopular Opinions: Film & TV

Brace yourselves, unpopular opinions are coming! I was tagged by the awesome @Winst0lf to embark on a perilous journey through my unpopular opinions, and dude, they are unpopular , so consider yourself warned! A Popular Series You Don’t Like The Big Bang Theory. I’m sorry, but I just don’t like it, and please don’t hate me! 😉 I find the laughing track to be overkill and obnoxious. Every time someone asks me if I’ve seen this show, I pretend I haven’t because it’s so beloved, and I just don’t want to deal with it, ha ha! A Popular Film/Show Everyone Else Hates But You Love Battle: Los Angeles Battlefield Earth – I thought it was interesting, and I liked the depiction of a future an eternity from now where aliens have conquered Earth. I don’t think it deserves to be called the worst film of all time.  Battle: Los Angeles – I loved the action, the story, and the overall theme of helping others. This film doesn’t deserve all the hate it gets. A Love Triangle Where The Person Ended Up