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Showing posts from February, 2021

Join the Resistance!

It is finally here, and I am thrilled to own one of the Man in the High Castle promo packages from 2017 at long last! Resistance Radio Promo: Inside the paper record player I remember when everyone was posting their photos of it on Twitter, and though I knew there was a 0% chance that I’d be surprised by one in the mail, I still checked every single day in hopes of mysteriously finding one inside my mailbox. In my, oh so fan, defense, they had my mailing address already. I won a signed promo poster for Season 2. I’ve mentioned how much I wanted one before (and let’s just say how much = A. LOT. A hell of a lot.), and I still cannot believe I was able to get my hands on one. Yes, I really have longed for one over the past four years.  I’m still blown away by the creativity behind it. It was such a clever way to slip Resistance Radio inside a fictitious GNR songbook, immersing you into the world of Philip K. Dick. It honestly feels like a traveler from their universe brought it to ours!

Around the World in 8 Sundays: Asia

And we’re back with another fun filled Seriously Geeky Sundays adventure! Today we are taking a trip to Asia.  14th February – Around the World in 8 Sundays [Asia] Everyone is going to be sick of lovey-dovey stuff today, so you’ll be glad to hear we’re skipping it as we head Around the World to Asia as February 12th was the Chinese New Year! Who is your favourite female character from this continent? There are so many amazing characters to choose from. I couldn’t possibly select just one, so I’ll highlight two of my favorites. High Castle’s The Crown Princess – She is beautiful, calm, collected, yet passionate and authoritative when it comes to doing the right thing. And I am sure this comes as no surprise to my High Castle fam! The Expanse – Chrisjen Avasarala, Queen Secretary-General of Earth. Need I say more? How about a male character? High Castle : Chief Inspector Kido – A complex character played to perfection by Joel de la Fuente . Kido will always terrify, yet fascinate me.

Metropolis: Ignition

I started writing something new, and I decided to share the first draft, chapter by chapter with everyone. I mean, it will force me to stay on top of things; plus, I can open the comments up to readers who enjoy spotting typos and grammatical errors (I’m thinking of doing something special to reward people for that–a prize tier list for how many errors you spot! Let me know if this sounds like something you’d like to participate in). Metropolis is set on a distant, dying world (of the same name) ruled by an authoritarian government. Annalise Drake assumes life is good, for she knows nothing else…

Geek Out Your Living Space

And it’s time for another fun filled prompt from Seriously Geeky Sundays! This week’s questions are near and dear to my heart. I have always filled my dwellings with posters, banners, and action figures of my favorite shows and movies. 31st January – Decorate We’ve come to the final week of the Adorn, Decorate and Embellish three-month theme. It’s Inspire Your Heart With Art Day today which is the perfect day to explore the topic of decorating in relation to fandoms and being a geek. Do you decorate your home with geeky products? Oh yes. So much yes. I’ll focus on areas of the house that I don’t think I regularly post photos of. I mean, I’ve posted Club High Castle many times! I’m going to let other places share the spotlight today. For starters, let me talk about the stairs and our hallway. We’ve got space posters along the stairwell. As you go up the stairs, you are greeted with banners from House Stark and Targaryen. House Lannister appears when you turn into the hallway itself. At