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Showing posts from August, 2015

Glory, Pride, and the Maiden Vain: Part 3

Luthandra must flee Westridge! To be sentenced to wed a man with a severe lack of hygiene is to be sentenced to a life of misery! Her elf companion returns and offers a way out, but little does she know that she is walking into a trap. Part I: Luthandra Raikin Part II:  Dráiden Kaldor III. Elven Tidings Wind whipped the pine trees overhead, making their black silhouettes look like seething dragons with outstretched claws. Luthandra struggled to keep from nodding off. She dug her fingers into the handle on the saddle in an effort to force herself to be alert. He had returned. He had come back for her. The mysterious elf from Adaina Pass had rescued her. “I know of an elf lord, my lady,” he had said. “I’ve sent word to my people, and he’s agreed to offer his hand! I know I am but a lowly sword-smith, but he…a powerful elf lord with blonde hair. His blade is unmatched! Some say he’s even more skilled than Avanduil.” Between the sobs and the lingering odor in her mouth from Lord Kaldor’s