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Showing posts from July, 2020

SGS: Conventions, a Unique Perspective!

It’s time for another Seriously Geeky Sunday brought to you by the creative Heather at! When I saw today’s prompt, I laughed (in a good way!) because I have a different perspective on conventions than most people would have. A huge part of my job is working at them! For anonymity’s sake, I’m not going to say which conference(s). I will say this: nothing huge like SDCC or NYCC.  Headed somewhere. The amount of wing photos I have is astronomical! There is so much that goes into planning conferences before they come to life: logistics, event registration apps, badges (including designing every last color and word), organizing the sessions/panels, and much more. It takes a small army to accomplish this, and I am happy to be a part of it.  Without further adieu, here is my unique perspective on today’s questions!  July 26th – Conventions It was supposed to be San Diego Comic-Con weekend this weekend. So many conventions have been cancelled this year so we’re living vicarious

SGS: Galaxy Adventures!

Apollo 11 launch – Photo by NASA Today’s prompt is near and dear to my heart. I have always been fascinated by space. Fifteen year old Queen Grasshopper’s room was plastered with Nasa posters, one of which, I still have to this day (I’ve been meaning to frame it after all these years). My ceiling was covered in glow in the dark stars, and I’d lay in bed just gazing at them. Would I ever go to space? Would there be a colony on the moon by the time I was 40? Would we go to Mars? July 19th – Galaxy Adventures Tomorrow is National Moon Day, the anniversary of when Apollo 11 landed on the moon. It’s a day in our history when our world got that bit bigger and that means it’s time to talk about adventures in Galaxies Far Far Away. What is your favourite sci-fi fandom? Sci-Fi fandoms can be wonderful, and they can also be hard–I mean it is only natural that a group of passionate people have their differences! This is a tough question because I’ve made so many lifelong friends through the vario

SGS: Summer!

Summer has always been my favorite season! I love the warm weather, the sunshine, and of course, beaches. It’s not like I paint them or anything 😉 July 12th – Summer Time It’s summertime in the western hemisphere so this week we’re thinking about the warmer time of year and tropical climates. What is your favourite summer movie? Mad Max: Fury Road – Yes, it’s a summer movie in my book, the most badass summer movie ever created! I remember when I saw it in theatres. I felt like it was written specifically for me because it had everything I ever wanted in a post apocalyptic world: crazy warriors decked out in bizarre armor, check. Insane vehicles with metal armor and weapons, check. Fast paced sequences with an action packed soundtrack, check. I mean, check out the Doof Wagon in all its glory complete with metal riffs that shoot flames.  What is your favourite summer scene/moment from a fandom? This could be something specific to hot weather i.e. trip to the beach or a holiday/road tri

SGS: What's Your Cup of Coffee?

Today’s prompt was a labyrinth of discovering scenes I enjoy in a genre that is not my cup of coffee. Thank you, Heather, for this exercise in critical thinking! I tend to forgo romance in fiction for something else (almost anything else, which shows you just how much it isn’t my flavor!).  Seriously Geeky Sunday is brought to you by the creative Heather at! July 5th – Romance is in the air July 6th is International Kissing Day so today we’re diving into the world romance this week. Who is your favourite couple? John/Helen from The Man in the High Castle What is your favourite romantic scene? As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, romance is not my cup of coffee. When I know a long, drawn out romantic scene is coming, my first instinct is to skip it because I’d rather have 5 minutes of plot than 5 minutes of nothing (it’s just boring to me; there is no other way to put it 😉 ).  However, there are rare times when I appreciate these sorts of scenes, and Ed/Jack in