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Showing posts from May, 2015

Goodbye, Hashtag Glitter Nation

The Command Deck has another special guest today! Missed the last “guest?” You can catch her post here: Careful With That Selfie! Aaron Winters from my upcoming story, Stars or Stripes, has something to say about hipsters and memes. He goes by another name, but only close friends are allowed to know it. Boo. I want to know it now! This pic went viral on the Empire Web underground.  What does Aaron have to say about it? A hipster!? Is that what people are calling me these days? I regret hacking one of my chit cards and regret ever creating that underground network in the darkest and most forgotten corner of the Empire Web. The exciting location of my hidden corner is  Zoning Regulations: Manufacturing: Textiles: Code by Fabric Type , then find the “ Cottons* ” folder. I wanted a place where we could openly discuss things without fear of reprisal by empire authorities…but all people are posting is a bunch of hashtag one liners and cat pictures. With all the bandwidth these silly images

Careful With That Selfie!

The Command Deck has a special guest today! Agent Jadelynn Jackson from the RIA (who is also the star of my upcoming story, Stars or Stripes ) has a special message for you all. Dear Self, I must not take selfies with my empire-issue chit card. I must not take selfies with my empire-issue chit card….and et cetera. In my defense, it’s not everyday you get to go into a classified area with relics from the past. By past, I don’t mean ten years ago. Nope. This was some Grade A, pre-Great War stuff. I mean who could blame me? You have to have a Level 5 clearance just to get near the thing! The selfie would have been just an innocent file named something boring stored in my chit for a few hours until I got home to transfer it. But nope. I had to mess up big time. My boss laughed the entire time he was reprimanding me. *sigh* So how did an innocent selfie blow up in  my face? It’s easy. An agent sent out a mass message, warning everyone about a potential twelp situation several miles away. Th